Monday, July 16, 2007

Being married is not easy. Its not hard either. It takes some effort from both people. Its not for stubborn people or people that don't like any change in there life. Well may be it is for them but its stressful on there spouse and that's a fact! My wife is very stubborn and stuck in her ways. She doesn't embrace change. I still love her deeply and no matter how much she pisses me off I have a hard time seeing myself with out her.

Anyway, work is going pretty good and the work has been pretty steady. I wonder how it will be once it starts raining. They say the work slows down when its raining. That makes me a little worried but I guess I could always go get another job right? Like finding jobs are easy these days.

Yo that Messy Slick Cd Is Cracking! Its a Mitchy Slick and Messy Merv joint CD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suppp dude! glad you started back writing.