Sunday, November 04, 2007

New Car Or New Place to live

I need to make a change. Do something different you know. I have been debating on buying a new car or moving to a bigger and better place to call home. I honestly don't want a car note. Its not that I cant afford it because I just don't want make that payment every month. I wouldn't have a problem paying more in rent every month but I don't want to make a car note especially on a car I only plan to drive on the weekends. That's $400 or month on something I don't plan to use daily. Now no offense to the people that pay car notes, its just not for me. Whats strange is that I have no problem with the idea of making a payment on a Harley every month but that's something I would get alot more use out of personally. I have a car and my wife has a car but there nothing special you know, just some old Toyota's. We would both much rather have a place to live that has all the things we want unlike the place where in now that has nothing we want in it. We have been here alot most 2 years and I was ready to move the first month we where here.

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